How to stop cats from pooping in the garden - top tips to stop cats fouling on your lawn

CATS may be cute, but they can be a menace to gardeners in the spring and summer. How do I stop my cat from pooping in the garden?

How to stop cats from pooping in the garden

How to stop cats from pooping in the garden - a simple guide (Image: GETTY)

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Most cats lead unproblematic, carefree lives of eating, sleeping - and relieving themselves in places you might not like. Whilst it's better than using the carpet as a toilet, cat poop can wreak havoc on gardens and damage delicate local ecosystems.


    Cats are carnivores, so their faeces can contain parasites or pathogens not present in herbivore manure.

    This is concerning because most of us plan to eat the food we grow, so can be especially problematic for those who grow their own produce.

    Certain murder mittens like to kill birds which help pollinate gardens and keep local ecosystems going strong.

    It is estimated cats claim the lives of 140 million birds per year worldwide.

    If a feral cat is consistently using your garden, you should call an animal welfare charity to come and capture it so it can be socialised and rehomed.

    Here is how safely and effectively stop your cat from fouling in your garden:

    How to stop cats from pooping in the garden

    How to stop cats pooping in the garden - Try to change the environment (Image: GETTY)

    How to stop cats from pooping in the garden

    How to stop cats from pooping in the garden - Cover garden soil where cats frequent in twigs (Image: GETTY)

    Change the environment

    Cats like soft surfaces; loose soil and soft plants are very inviting to felines.

    Cover garden soil where cats frequent in twigs from your trees until your spring plants get established.

    Place them a couple of inches apart throughout the bed.

    This can also help to attract bees, who will help your plants grow much better.

    Push pine cones or other prickly garden trimmings down into the soil around your plants.

    Stone mulch, eggshells, and holly cuttings all work well.

    How to stop cats from pooping in the garden

    How to stop cats from pooping in the garden - Try planting some lavender (Image: GETTY)

    Innovate with smells

    Cats dislike the smell of rue, lavender and pennyroyal, Coleus canina and lemon thyme.

    Plant a few of these throughout your garden.

    Interplanting can attract pollinators and other beneficial insects too.

    Cats also hate citrus, so any fruit peelings from oranges and such will help deter them.

    There are also some Commercial cat repellents that copy the smells of predator urine, but make sure anything you buy is non-toxic and organic to make sure no plants or wildlife get hurt.

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    How to stop cats from pooping in the garden

    How to stop cats from pooping in the garden - Try cleaning the spot they do their business (Image: GETTY)

    Keep it clean

    If your cat or your visitor cat always picks the same spot, you can try cleaning the area with a hose or a watering can plus eco-friendly soap.

    This can throw cats off their own scent, although it could convince the cat to just use another part of the garden.

    Water warfare

    Only advised for use on your own pet to avoid upsetting neighbours, if the cat persists despite all else, if you spot the culprit using your garden as a bathroom, you can approach it with a mist spray bottle full of water and gently spray the cat with water.

    It might seem cruel, but it will help to break the cats positive association with its chosen area.

    Use an outdoor litter tray

    You could call this a 'peace offering'.